QSC GX7 amplifier

846,68 €
Quantity available: 2
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The QSC GX7 is a light weight power amp which provides professional audio quality, meticulous engineering, precision manufacturing and long-term reliability. Add contemporary styling, multiple input/output options, light weight, and advanced protection circuitry, and the GX7 clearly represents real value.

  • 8 ohms / 1 kHz (both channels driven): 725 W
  • 8 ohms / 1 kHz (single channel driven): 800 W
  • 4 ohms / 1 kHz (both channels driven): 1000 W
  • 4 ohms / 1 kHz (single channel driven): 1200 W

The GX7 adds the road-proven PowerLight supply to the Class H output section, for more overall output power and additional weight savings. The result is one of the highest power-to-weight ratios in the industry. A low-noise variable-speed fan with rear-to-front airflow keeps amplifiers and racks cool.

A subwoofer reduces strain on the full-range speaker, allowing it to play louder, or letting a smaller speaker do the same job. The GX7 supports this mode with a Crossover switch that splits the full-range input entering Ch 1, sending 20 Hz -100 Hz to the sub (Ch 1) and 100 Hz - 20 kHz to the top box (Ch 2). The front panel gain controls balance the sub and top box, while GuardRail optimizes peak power into the sub and top individually, for greater musical impact and dynamic range.